Hiring technical candidates who don't just fit-in but stand-out

By Pranav Mittal 5 Min Read Published on: 17th Aug 2020

Technical hiring can be really tiresome. Finding the right fit for a job role can be a real challenge, especially when you are using conventional methods of hiring. If you are recruiting technical talent in bulk, forget about everything but hiring, and only the quality candidates. You get stuck in an endless loop of scout - connect - interview - evaluate. Thankfully, SpeedHire - the unique technical talent assessment and interview platform - has made it easier for recruiters to find out the technical resources who don't just 'fit-in' but 'stand-out‚„. SpeedHire offers a perfect virtual hiring solution to multiple challenges faced by recruiters in technical hiring. Let‚„s see how -

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1. SpeedHire automates the tech skill evaluation

SpeedHire helps recruiters in assessing a candidate's performance in a virtual coding environment. They can create high-quality multi-level tests with standardised screening questions from a vast library of over 15,000 standard questions. The user-friendly live code editor supports more than 54 programming languages to help them pick the best candidate.

2. SpeedHire helps in building a talent pipeline

SpeedHire‚„s fast and reliable skill evaluation makes it easy for hiring managers to build their own diverse talent pool of pre-assessed candidates. It offers the automated assessment of many coding assignments in one go. All you have to do is handpick the right resources for the job role according to your requirements

3. SpeedHire facilitates unbiased hiring

SpeedHire automates the assessment process with minimum human intervention, hence zero bias. SpeedHire also helps in skill evaluation of candidates in the form of customised reports, providing valuable insights into every candidate‚„s skills and performance. This helps recruiters select the best and weed out the rest.

4. SpeedHire is efficient and cost-effective

The SpeedHire platform provides a standardised, highly secure, and cheat-proof virtual talent assessment environment. This speeds up the interview process alongside saving on a lot of effort, time, and cost.

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