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5 Features recruiters look for in an assessment tool for hiring front-end developers
Let us unveil the mystery of the perfect features that tech companies and recruiters look for in a hiring tool.
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Fasten your hiring process with these new SpeedHire features
Here are some of the new features introduced by SpeedHire, the best hiring platform, that will help you ease the recruitment of tech professionals at your organisation.
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Boardroom: How recruitment contests are moulding the objective anatomy in tech hiring
To discuss the relevance of recruitment contests and how recruitment leaders perceive and plan these, we conducted a boardroom session with four savvy industry leaders. Watch here.
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Boardroom: How recruitment contests are aiding the objective analysis of tech talent
While the war for tech talent is getting intense, the challenge to source, evaluate and hire the right fit is high. This is where recruitment contests like hackathons, ideathon, tech challe
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Do technical assessment tools simplify the recruitment process for HR Managers
Watch the SpeedHire CXO Roundtable on how technical assessment tools simplify the recruitment process for HR Managers
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SpeedHire CXOs roundtable: Technical Assessment - A path to flexible hiring
The quest for qualified talent is unending. Watch this interesting conversation with 6 superb panelists from the HR and tech fraternity discussing how hiring managers are identifying the right talent.
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SpeedHire Boardroom: Technical Assessment: A path to flexible hiring
Today the process of onboarding tech talent has become exhaustive for organisations. We conducted a roundtable with 4 industry experts who share a common passion for hiring the right people.
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5 Best ways to diversify your tech talent pipeline
Today, companies focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion. Listed here are 5 ways to diversify your tech talent pipeline with people of different races, age groups, gender, and ethnicity.
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Poll outcome: Plagiarism is a challenge for 83% recruiters
SpeedHire asked the 784 recruiters if plagiarism was a serious concern while hiring talent remotely or if they have apt tools to overcome. Here is the key takeaway.
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Mastering the art of remote hiring with SpeedHire
The transition from in-person interviews to remote hiring can be uncomfortable, especially for hiring managers accustomed to the conventional ways of working.
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Hiring technical candidates who don't just fit-in but stand-out
Finding the right fit for a job role can be a real challenge. SpeedHire has made it easier for recruiters to find out the technical resources who don't just 'fit-in' but 'stand-out. Lets see how.
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5 Ways to attract and hire the best developers
SpeedHire, the AI-powered platform helps recruiters pick the top talent basis unbiased skill evaluation. Here are 5 quick ways about how SpeedHire helps build a great tech team.
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SpeedHire: Simplifying remote talent assessment
As more and more businesses harness technology, they look to hire a skilled workforce. Download this guide to learn how SpeedHire simplifies the process of remote talent assessment.
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Unlock the Power of Personality Insights with SpeedHire Psychometric Test
Are you tired of sifting through resumes and conducting lengthy interviews to find the perfect fit for your team? Say goodbye to guesswork & hello to precision hiring with SpeedHire Psychometric Test
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5 Reasons why SMEs need skill assessment platform
For SMEs, hiring skilled developers can be tough. With SpeedHire, they can hire the right fit using standardised assessments. Here is why it is critical for SMEs to use SpeedHire.
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4 Ways to assess talent and build a better talent pipeline
Without a rigorous talent assessment, it is not possible to shortlist candidates for hiring. SpeedHire serves as a boon there to evaluate skills unbiasedly and help recruit the best talent.
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3 Ways to choose the best assessment platform
There is a lot to consider when you're choosing the best tech talent assessment. Remember this platform will help you build a strong talent pipeline.
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5 Skill assessment challenges faced by startups
According to industry reports, 4 out of 10 companies in the IT, startup and SME domains find hiring tech candidates as their biggest challenge.
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SpeedHire ends remote talent assessment challenges
The efficiency and scalability of a technical talent assessment platform is important. SpeedHire helps you scout the best-skilled candidates in the quickest turnaround time.
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4 Ways SpeedHire helps startups pick the best developers
Hiring a software developer is difficult, especially for startups where budget and time constraints don't allow much scope. SpeedHire is a technical assessment tool will help you find the best talent.
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5 Challenges CTOs face when assessing developers
The rapid adoption of disruptive technologies is leaving the CTOs with less time to think how to identify and evaluate skilled developers. Here are five biggest challenges CTOs face when hiring.
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Startups, cut your hiring time with SpeedHire
One of the biggest challenges startups face is to find and hire the best technical talent in a quick and cost-effective way. SpeedHire is here to your rescue.
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How to hire skilled coders with SpeedHire
Hiring a skilled coder is imperative to business growth. We present you SpeedHire - an online assessment platform enabling remote evaluation of coding skills of a candidate.
Technical Assessment: A path to flexible hiring-Part A
Watch the SpeedHire Boardroom session on Technical Assessment: A path to flexible hiring.
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A beginner's guide to remote talent assessment
Powered with AI, SpeedHire helps assess developers using in-built code editor, simultaneously letting the hiring managers proctor the code test; and record it for future references.
Technical Assessment: A path to flexible hiring- Part B
Watch the SpeedHire BoardRoom on Technical Assessment: A path to flexible hiring.
Mitigating cognitive biases: How to maintain objectivity in technical assessments- Part A
Watch the SpeedHire CXO Roundtable on Mitigating cognitive biases: How to maintain objectivity in technical assessments.
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The best practices of hiring remote workers for tech roles
Right from conducting remote interviews for candidates to evaluating their skills and bringing them on-board, almost all functions can be carried out effectively with the help of SpeedHire.
Decoding Technical Assessment: Building Winning Technology Teams Remotely
Watch the SpeedHire CXO Roundtable Decoding Technical Assessment: Building Winning Technology Teams Remotely
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SpeedHire: The one-stop solution to hire the best-in-industry talent
SpeedHire is capable of resolving all the problems that plague technical hiring and simplifies the technical recruitment process. For a deeper understanding of SpeedHire, download this eBook.
Making the right technical hire: How do tech startups hire developers?- Part A
Watch the SpeedHire CXO Roundtable on Making the right technical hire: How do tech startups hire developers?
Recruitment contest: An objective analysis of its effectiveness as a hiring medium-Part A
Watch the SpeedHire Boardroom discussion on Recruitment contest: An objective analysis of its effectiveness as a hiring medium.
Creating an impactful technical hiring experience
Watch the SpeedHire CXO Boardroom on Creating an impactful technical hiring experience.
Recruitment contest: An objective analysis of its effectiveness as a hiring medium- Part B
Watch the SpeedHire Boardroom discussion on Recruitment contest: An objective analysis of its effectiveness as a hiring medium.
Making the right technical hire: How do tech startups hire developers? Part B
Watch the SpeedHire CXO Roundtable on Making the right technical hire: How do tech startups hire developers?
Mitigating cognitive biases: How to maintain objectivity in technical assessments- Part B
Watch the SpeedHire CXO Roundtable on Mitigating cognitive biases: How to maintain objectivity in technical assessments.

Checkout why companies trust SpeedHire

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