Mastering the art of remote hiring with SpeedHire

By Pranav Mittal 5 Min Read Published on: 17th Aug 2020

With most businesses going online and adopting a global scale, the recruitment industry is also trying to match the pace by adopting remote hiring quickly. The transition from in-person interviews to remote hiring can be uncomfortable, especially for hiring managers accustomed to the conventional ways of working.

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It is here that the AI-powered SpeedHire comes to the aid of recruiters:

1. SpeedHire has a robust scale for #remoteinterviews

Today, the talent market is a fiercely competitive space with no scope of error. 'War for talent' is a famous saying in the HR circuits that imply that recruiters have to use the best methods possible to find and onboard the best talent. With AI-powered assessment, SpeedHire offers a huge variety of features such as candidate skill insights, plagiarism-controller that can help recruiters zero-in on the most skilled candidate.

2. The power of AI to the rescue of recruiters

The recruitment industry is not the same as it was five years ago. A large fleet of technology-based services and tools has emerged in recent years to make the virtual recruitment processes more robust and skill-oriented. Based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), SpeedHire can help identify the skills and competency of a candidate in real-time, without cognitive bias. It is quite helpful in weeding out the unskilled professionals from the very start of the recruitment process, especially when you have to hire hundreds of developers in one go!

3. Define the #remoteinterview process clearly

Remote interviews are relatively new for many candidates. SpeedHire offers the ease of conducting remote interviews through an extremely simple hiring workflow for candidates as well as recruiters. This gives the candidates an edge to attend the interview virtually, from the comfort of their home.

4. Stay in constant contact with candidates

The talent acquisition best practices say that a hiring professional should stay connected to the candidate throughout the entire interview process. SpeedHire bridges the communication gap from the very beginning of the interview process. It allows recruiters to set up interviews, and roll out bulk invites. Its Google Calendar integration allows recruiters to schedule, reschedule, and follow-up on interview timings, without any hassle. Also, during the interview, the interviewer and candidates can interact through the in-built chat functionality.

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