SpeedHire ends remote talent assessment challenges

By Sukriti Yaduwanshi 5 Min Read Published on: 09th Sep 2020

Remote talent assessment is a major way to scout skilled talent, especially for the tech roles where the tech quotient defines the success or doom of a project. Here the efficiency, as well as, the scalability of the talent assessment platform are important because recruiters shouldn't have to face any limitations or wait to fetch results. Time is money, especially in today's time where extreme competition keeps businesses on their guard always.

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Introducing SpeedHire!

SpeedHire is a technical assessment tool that helps you scout the best-skilled candidates in the quickest turnaround times. SpeedHire which has already powered more than 100 million assessments harnesses the power of Artificial Intelligence to evaluate candidates. Here's how SpeedHire helps -

1. Defining role requirements precisely

SpeedHire aids the talent assessment to make unbiased hiring decisions. To cater to this, SpeedHire has a library of 15,000+ questions of in-demand technical skills and key competencies. It includes skills - like Frameworks - (React, Angular), Front-End Architecture, Using REST APIs, Other Front-end Tools.

2. Screening for most skilled candidates

The screening part comes after the recruiter defines the prerequisite skills required for the role. Recruiters have to set skills, which can be done quickly from the predefined questions library or add your own questions. With these tailored tests, you can generate in-depth insights into the candidate's skills.

3. Identifying frontrunner candidates

To help recruiters make the right hiring decisions, SpeedHire provides an exhaustive report of the skills of every candidate. With this report, recruiters get a bird's eye view of the candidate's abilities in each skill area. It helps the hiring managers to make effective hiring decisions based on the data. It saves your time and efforts and minimizes cognitive bias too.

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