4 Ways SpeedHire helps startups pick the best developers

By Sukriti Yaduwanshi 5 Min Read Published on: 09th Sep 2020

Hiring a software developer is difficult, especially for startups where budget and time constraints don't allow much scope or error of judgment during hiring.

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Hence, rather than relying on the resume blindly, it's practical to assess candidate skills with SpeedHire. It's an AI-powered assessment tool where developers can write code and recruiters can evaluate them on multiple parameters. Here's how this technical assessment tool will help you screen and select the top tech talent:

1. Skill-based evaluation

Winning technology teams are built skills. SpeedHire's skill-based assessment helps you screen developers on parameters set by recruiters. This evaluation is based on advanced technology-driven frameworks to help you find the top developer easily.

2. Scalable and standardised technical assessments

For startups to survive and grow, a strong technical team is a must. With SpeedHire, you can build a fortified tech team with scalable and standardised technical assessments. With a pre-built library of questions, you can evaluate multiple programmers without sparing much effort.

3. 54 language skills to match your required technical competency

SpeedHire offers skill evaluation in 54 programming languages - largest in the market. SpeedHire also provides you with a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative report of the candidates' skills which will help assess them better.

4. Real-time evaluation of developers with SpeedHire

SpeedHire has a vast library of 15,000+ tech questions, which helps create skills tests easily. You can also add customised questions. The candidates will code on SpeedHire which has a real-time IDE and allows recruiters to view the assessment as it is happening in real-time.

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